2015年5月25日 星期一


今天上課的主題為「圖書館績效指摽」、「Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (October 2011)
1.      圖書館對進館人次、使用人次的統計,其實不算精確,因為他們計算的是「人次」,而不是「人數」。
2.      圖書館也有「人權宣言」。
3.      訂的許多績效指標,但通常只會挑選幾個來做檢驗。
4.      The Standards assume that libraries(對圖書館的假設,若不符合假設,那麼連評鑑的必要都沒有):
(1)        adhere to the principles;
(2)        identify and select performance indicators that are congruent with their institution’s mission and contribute to institutional effectiveness;
(3)        add performance indicators that apply to the specific library type (for example, open access initiatives for research libraries, or workforce development support for community colleges);
(4)        develop user-centered, measurable outcomes that articulate specifically what the user is able to do as an outcome of the performance indicator;(成果要能計算)
(5)        conduct assessments that may be quantitative and/or qualitative;(量化、質化)
(6)        collect evidence from assessments that demonstrate degree of success; and
(7)         use assessment data for continuous improvement of library operations.
5.      ReaderCollectionLibrarian:一個三角形的概念,看基準點為何,三角形就長怎樣。(1972年)

6.      公共圖書館的統計表:publibstat.nlpi.edu.tw

